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  • Mrs R Hudson


    Strategy, Vision and Leadership

  • Mr N Scoltock

    Deputy Headteacher

    Quality of Education and Standards, Assessment, Recording and Reporting

  • Mr D Sabri

    Deputy Headteacher

    Climate for Learning, Behaviour, Rewards, Admissions, Pastoral Care, Transition and Community Engagement

  • Mr J Lacey

    Assistant Headteacher

    Quality of Education, Assessment, Learning outside the Classroom, Learning and Teaching, Subject Pedagogy on Thinking, More Able and Ambition

  • Miss R Thomas

    Assistant Headteacher

    Careers, Personal Development, Pupil Premium, Diversion, Inclusion and Equality, Character and Literacy

  • Mr D Stockdale

    Assistant Headteacher

    Leadership and Management, Marketing, Well-Being, Parental Engagement, International Links, Professional Development and the Bursary Scheme

  • Mrs K Appleby

    Assistant Headteacher

    SEND, Inclusion and Safeguarding, Curriculum Plus, Mental Health, Reading

  • Mr I Haycock

    Assistant Headteacher

    Climate for Learning, Behaviour and Attendance, Rewards, Learning Environment

  • Ms L Rose

    Business Manager

    Finance and Budgeting