Blog #5 2022
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to school and I hope that you all managed to have a refreshing break at half term. While we are all debating whether to put the heating on at home, the caretakers have made sure it’s warm in school, which helps to create a really positive environment for learning.
As we head into the second half term of the year, it’s great to see that nearly all of our Year 7 students made the transition into Blacon High School almost seamlessly and have settled in to secondary school routines really well. Many of our new Year 7s are already representing the school in a number of sports, and joining in with clubs and activities both in school and beyond; this is fantastic to see.
Young Writer’s Competition Winners
These images show some of our fantastically creative, students in Years 7 and 9 who were winners in a recent, national ‘Young Writers’ competition.
Students had to write a poem about ‘Changing the World.’ There were lots of fantastic ideas and, unsurprisingly, several about the importance of recycling and the small changes we can all make in our lives that will have a positive effect on the impact of climate change.
Let’s add our compliments to those of English teacher Miss Clements who said: ‘I am immensely proud of all of these students and a huge congratulations is in order. Well done to all of them!’
International links…
As you will be aware, we have hosted several groups of international students already this year, two Spanish groups and one from Italy. This has been a really positive experience both for our international visitors, and for the students at Blacon High School. What a great opportunity to meet, make friends with, and develop long term friendships with people from other cultures.
Thank you to all of those students in Year 9, 10 and 11 who have acted as ‘buddies’ to our guests; you have been amazing and your welcome and friendship has been much appreciated, as you will see from their blog.
All three groups have really enjoyed their time with us. Please follow the link to the blog created by the most recent group of their stay in Chester.
When you open the link, select ‘English’ in the box on the top right of the page, then scroll down and select ‘Blacon 2’.
Shakespeare Schools Festival 2022
Mrs Salisbury was delighted to direct 2 performances for her 15th Shakespeare Schools Festival at the Floral Pavilion in New Brighton. Year 11 Performing Arts students performed a dark and powerful version of Romeo and Juliet, using physical theatre to create the brawl and ensuing fight scenes between the feuding Montagues and Capulets, with Charlie Drury as Co-Director. Year 10 Performing Arts students performed a vibrant and comedic ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ using choreographed dance and physical theatre to present the complicated journeys to finding true love when others meddle to make fun of innocent couples.
These talented and creative actors will perform to an invited audience of family, friends, staff and governors on Tuesday 15th November, here at Blacon High School. Please contact Reception or see Mrs Salisbury for details.
Remembrance Day Activities
Once again this year, students in Blacon High School’s CCF (Combined Cadet Force) were on the streets of Chester at the weekend selling poppies to commemorate all those who have served and died for our country in a variety of conflicts since World War 1. It is perhaps even more poignant in 2022, when we see that physical warfare is still very much a reality as witnessed in the terrible events that are happening currently in Russia’s war against Ukraine.
This is such a worthy cause and it is vital that we continue to commemorate all those have fought bravely so that we continue to live in peace.
On Friday 11/11 2022, we will host a ‘Remembrance Assembly’ at Blacon High School, which will be followed by two minutes silence. Some students will be in the Hall for the live assembly, and the rest of the school will watch it live in their classrooms.
Year 11 Information Evening
An important date for your diary.
We look forward to seeing the parents and carers of all of our year 11 students on Thursday evening.
And finally….
I’m not entirely sure where the time goes but it seems to move really quickly.
As always, thank you to all parents and carers for your ongoing support.
Please keep an eye on the school website and on social media for upcoming events and other key dates.
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