Blog #4

Blacon High School Blog #4 2022
Hi All,
As we move towards the end of the first half term, this has been a fantastic couple of weeks.
Celebration Evening
On Thursday 13th October, we welcomed all of our prize winners, along with parents, carers, staff and governors into school for our whole-school Celebration Evening, which is one the best events in the school calendar.
We love the opportunity to reward all of the qualities that we encourage in our students and it was lovely to see the Hall so full on Thursday evening; we really appreciate the support of all of the extended Blacon High School Family who were there to help celebrate student success.
Our guest speakers this year were three ex-students who were fortunate to win fully funded places on our esteemed bursary programme and who, as a result, were able to study for their A levels at some of the country’s top independent schools. We fully acknowledge that the bursary scheme is just one of many post 16 routes open to our students, and success is measured in many different ways. However, the clear message from our guest speakers was that success comes in response to independence, resilience, hard work and commitment, and all three of them thanked Blacon High School for the fantastic foundation they experienced here, the support of the teachers who helped to nurture their strengths, and the opportunities they were offered.
The event was also made extra special by performances from the school band and the choir.
Clearly, even after completing the London Marathon, Miss Beyer still has itchy feet and she will be support those Blacon High School students who are taking part in a Mini Marathon.
Over the next couple of weeks students will run/jog or walk for 2.6 miles around the school site. Last year almost half a million school children took part in this challenge nationally.
Running will take place every Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:15am on the 3G pitch and is open to students from both KS2 and KS3. Students who take part and succeed in completing the challenge will be rewarded with a certificate and pin badge.
Miss Beyer looks forward to seeing you there! Don't forget your trainers!
Date for your Diary
We are hosting an information evening for Year 11s on the 10th November between 5.00pm and 7.00pm.
At this event, we will be sharing some key messages and offer students, parents and carers some key advice as we begin to prepare for the long run in to the GCSE exams. What we absolutely know is that, in Year 11, time seemingly flies by and the exams are always upon us before we know it. The purpose of the evening is to share advice for how and when to start your preparation as a student, and how, as parents and carers, you can offer your children the best support.
There will also be a Careers Fair with representatives from a number of institutes who offer a variety of potential post-16 routes.
This will be a really useful evening and we look forward to seeing you there.
Computer Science – Algorithms
This week in Computer Science, Year 10s have been applying their skills by designing and configuring algorithms using flow charts, and relying on teamwork. Students were given a variety of different scenarios and were asked to create flow charts using blank tiles. For example, they were faced with organising all of the many steps for creating a delicious cup of tea and were tasked with configuring a flow chart to describe that process. We all have a preference for how we like our morning cuppa, so there were many interesting discussions and disagreements about how best to make a cup of tea between some of the groups, before they went ahead and successfully completed the task.
And finally…
Our students are all spending the last day of half term enjoying reward trips at Chester Zoo, Alton Towers and Blackpool Pleasure Beach and I look forward to sharing the stories and photos with you in our next Blog.
In the meantime, I hope you all have a fantastic half term break, whatever you plans are, and look forward to seeing you all again, in full uniform and ready to learn, when school reopens on 31st October.
As always, our thanks goes to parents and carers for their ongoing support.