Blog #3
Blacon High School Blog #3
Hi All,
Wow! What a busy couple of weeks. Here goes…
Learning Outside the Classroom
It is part of our stated aim at Blacon High School to investigate opportunities for our students to engage in learning outside the classroom. Additionally, our commitment is that every student who attends Blacon High School should experience at least one residential visit during their time with us. To this end, all of our new Year 7s were offered the opportunity to take part in an overnight camping trip at Alderford Lake. Year 7s have had this opportunity during the first term after joining the school for some years now although, obviously, we were unable to offer this trip during the lockdowns as a result of Covid 19.
As you can see from the photographs, some very wet Year 7s were having a whale of a time in the rain and on the water. Students enjoyed taking part in some problem solving, a range of water activities, climbing and archery. They arrived back home very tired and, perhaps still a little soggy, but they had a great time.
It is so important not to underestimate the value of experiences like this where students develop independence, resilience, develop team building skills and, perhaps most importantly, have a great time. Well done Year 7! Thanks must also go to all of those members of staff who gave up their comfy beds to support the event.
International links
As you will be aware, we have been playing host to our second group of international students since September; a small group of nine Spanish students who have been with us for three weeks.
Thanks to the wonderful students in Year 10 who volunteered to act as their buddies during their stay. The focus of the visit is really about immersion, students are completely immersed into school life to develop their spoken English. For us, there is an opportunity to develop links and friendships with students from other cultures. In the days of social media, keeping in touch with people is really easy and I know that many of our student buddies made, what I hope will be, lasting friendships.
The Spanish students were also able to support spoken Spanish in our GCSE Spanish class and gave our students the opportunity to practice their language skills in a safe, non-judgemental environment.
On the last day, there was a party atmosphere, thanks to Miss Thelwell, as students shared in a variety of Spanish snacks, listened to Spanish music and there was even a bit of dancing.