Blog #1 - Sept 2022

First Blog of 2022/23
Blog #1 - Sept 2022
As a mark of respect and in line with government requests, we refrained from posting anything other than vital information on social media during the period of national mourning. I’m sure you will join us all at Blacon High School in offering our sincere condolences to the Royal Family.
Welcome Back
Well, we were very excited to welcome everyone back and really hope that you all enjoyed a restful summer break. I can’t believe that we are already about to enter our third week. As you know, students now have a split timetable with Key Stages 3 and 4 running at different times during the school day. This has had a really positive effect on the atmosphere in the school both during lesson changeovers and also during breaks and lunches. As student numbers have increased over recent years, this move was both welcome and necessary to enable us to secure the best possible experience for our students.
Already, we have things to celebrate and lots of information to share so please keep an eye on social media and on the school website. We are also about to launch a school app’, which I’m sure will make communication much easier for everyone. Watch this space for further information.
Blacon Students’ ‘Twisted Tales’ Selected for Publication in Young Writers’ Anthology Book
Towards the end of the Summer Term in July 2022, Blacon High School held Year 6 Masterclasses across English, Maths, Performing Arts and Technology. A group of Year 6 students from our partner primary schools attended sessions after school once a week for four weeks.
The English Department’s Masterclasses were focused on creative writing, resulting in the students being entered into a national competition with the possibility of being published and winning prizes.
We were delighted this week to receive notification that seven students, now in Year 7 at Blacon High School, have had their stories selected, making them published authors at a very young age. Well done to: Avamay, Caitlin, Arthur, Kayden, Rae-Kelly, Courtney and Olivia.
We are incredibly proud of your achievement and will be looking forward to adding a copy of the anthology to our library shelves. Well done.
Food Technology
Information for KS3 Pupils
In Cooking and Nutrition this year, pupils will take part in regular practical lessons. Here is some key information you'll need prior to the first round of practical lessons starting w/c 19th September
We provide ingredients to keep costs down and to reduce the amount of organising parents and carers have to do. We ask for a contribution of £2 per lesson, which should be paid via ParentPay. You can pay lesson by lesson or in a block for the term/year.
We ask that all pupils have a secure, named container to bring food home in. Finally, it would help us so much if pupils brought their own apron to each practical lesson, so please can this be sent in with the containers.
Miss Garner - Head of Technology
New logo and new website
This is a really exciting development.
Over the next few days, you will see that we have a new website. We ask that you bear with us as we move from the old to the new because the changeover is, very much, an organic process. Whilst the new website already has all of the statutory detail on there, it will be populated progressively over the next few days and weeks as the school fully adopts its modern new branding.
The new logo is a modern re-imagining of our original logo, but it still holds dear all that we stand for and our relationship with the BEV remains central to the design.
All of the promotional material in the school will adopt the new branding.
Trips Day
Please see the reminder below of a notification that was sent out at the end of the summer term in July about our upcoming Trips Day in October. Letters relating to each year group are available lon the school website.
Chester Zoo Wildlife connections Festival
On Saturday the 17th of September 2022, Blacon High School staff and students supported the Chester Zoo Wildlife Connections Festiva run by Alex Ross.
Mrs Kenyon-Owen and Miss Morrison who have been running the Gardening Club at the school for almost two years were joined by Headteacher – Rachel Hudson, along with Katie and Weronika, two of our students who were representing the club.
The students demonstrated to members of the public how to make seed bombs of locally sourced seeds. Our stall was very popular, with many children fascinated with shaping the clay and assembling the seed bomb with compost and the seed mix. The seed bombs will be thrown into the gardens of each person who attended the stall, providing wild flowers to support bees and other wildlife, which will hopefully reseed and sustain areas for wildlife to thrive.
The Gardening Club at Blacon High will continue to collaborate with Chester Zoo who provide exciting learning opportunities for our students, a deeper understanding of nature, wildlife and conservation, and enable us to support our natural environment.
Open Evening
And finally…
So, the school term is already in full swing and it feels great to be back.
Students are looking superb in their uniforms and I’d just like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of our parents and carers for their support in ensuring a settled start to the school year.