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School Blog and news

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  • Camps International - Kenya expedition

    Published 24/01/24

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    We are delighted to be working with Camps International, offering our students the opportunity to join us on a 4 Week expedition to Kenya in July*, 2025.

    Come along to our informal presentation evening where you can learn more and ask questions about this exciting opportunity. We expect the presentation to last around 45 minutes.
    Date & Time: Wednesday, 24 January - 18:30
    Location: Main Hall

    To ensure you receive an information pack, please confirm your attendance online via this link.
    Your School Code is 9016

    Who are Camps International?
    Camps International are award winning global leaders in ethical and sustainable school expeditions. They offer fully supported school expeditions, to industry leading safety standards, across Africa, Asia and Latin America, providing an authentic cultural experience for every travelling student.

    Where will they be going and what will they be doing?
    Embark on an adventure with real impact on one of East Africa’s most amazing destinations. Live and work alongside local people and get involved in a range of sustainable projects, from community development to environmental conservation.

    Experience the warm and welcoming culture that Kenya is famous for on this immersive expedition. Spend your days working on sustainable projects with local people, helping to support the local community, wildlife and environment. Get to know the inspiring Mamas of the local village who will teach you traditional skills, meet the world-famous Maasai Tribe and experience the magic of a safari at Tsavo East National Park – one of Africa’s top wildlife destinations.

    What will they get out of the experience?
    This fully supported expedition will provide our students with a unique opportunity to live alongside rural communities, broadening their perspective on the world. It will allow students to push boundaries and step outside of their comfort zone, embarking on a personal development journey. It will enable them to reach and exceed their academic and personal potential, develop valuable life skills and gain key extra-curricular experience highly regarded by universities and employers.

    How much does it cost and how will we pay for the expedition?
    This all-inclusive expedition costs £4330 and can be paid via scheduled payment plans. Payment plans facilitate both fundraising activities and financial management. All students are encouraged to fundraise the cost, teaching them important life skills such as money management, problem solving and event planning. If fundraising is new to you, then don’t worry, the Camps International
    crew will support you and our students every step of the way.

    We look forward to seeing you and your family at the presentation. Can't make it? Register anyway and we will send you more information.

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  • Blog JANUARY 2024

    Published 23/01/24

    Hi All and Happy New Year,

    It’s great to learn that our students all seem to have had a fantastic Christmas and we are delighted to sat they have returned to school full of energy.

    I always love the Spring term as it feels like everything is ‘on the  up,’ especially as the cold and dark nights start to fade away and it gets lighter, for longer, at both ends of the day; the daffodils will be out before you know it!


    British Council Intermediate International Award

    I reported that the school had been awarded the British Council Intermediate International School Award earlier in the school year and, on 15th January, I was lucky enough to be invited to the Palace of Westminster in London to be awarded with the certificate on behalf of the school. Here I am receiving the certificate from the Deputy CEO of the British Council.

    The award acknowledges all of the fantastic international initiatives that we ran at Blacon High School during the 2022\23 school year. We were involved in a variety of activities such as our annual exchange programme to Bulgaria for students in Year 10, fielding a team of talented sports boys and girls to represent the UK at the International Youth Games in Senigallia, Italy, and also, taking over thirty students on a Spanish language and cultural trip to Barcelona. In addition, during the year we hosted three large groups of foreign students, two from Spain and one from Italy who were taking part in language immersion trips. Also, we had a foreign language theatre group in school on two separate occasions who performed plays that were delivered entirely in French and Spanish to Key Stage 3 and GCSE Language students. This is just a flavour of some of the initiatives at Blacon High School that have an international focus.

    This year, we are hoping to achieve full British Council International Accreditation, which is the highest level of the award. We have already had a number of events in school such as a range of activities and menus to celebrate European Languages Day. Our next event is on 9th February when we will be celebrating the Chinese New Year. We have a representative from the University of Chester who will be leading sessions in Chinese calligraphy and sharing the significance of the Year of the Dragon. Meanwhile, the event will be supported by a host of other ‘fun’ activities in Drama, Art and Food Technology. Lunch in the Diner will offer a range of Chinese-themed dishes.



    ESFA National Small Schools Cup

    Why fitness when you play football?

    Our Year 10 boys team played the fantastically talented Moorfield School at home this week in a last sixteen, ‘EFSA National Small Schools Cup’ tie.

    It was a tightly fought game with superb goals by Denis Kostadinov and Lucas Chao, both in the first half. The Blacon lads defended brilliantly in the second half and went on to win the match 2-1.

    The win earns Blacon High School a place in the quarter finals and we are still waiting to find out who our opponents will be.

    Historically, Blacon High School has done really well battling their way into the later stages of this competition on several occasions, and we look forward to cheering the team on in their quarter final match.

    Congratulations to Mr Sabri and the Year 10 team.


    Chester Schools Together Rowing

    In collaboration with the Chester Schools Together partnership, a group of ten students from Year 8 have begun rowing at the King’s School Rowing Club.

    Students are really enjoying mastering the fundamentals of rowing in the gym, and developing the basic skills and technique they will need to shape their rowing careers. They are excited to be rowing on the River Dee next week as they work towards the Warrington Indoor Championships, which will be held on Wednesday 24th January where they will race both individually and in team relays.

    Watch this space to see how they get on.


    Cheshire International Links Association

    As I’m sure some of you will know, there is a group called the Cheshire International Links Association that focuses on forging positive international links for the county of Cheshire around the globe. It meets once a month in the Town Hall in Chester. On 9th January, Head of PE, Mr Cairns, and I were both invited to present at the meeting and, along with a group of students and their parents, we were able to share some of the huge range of events, trips and activities that have had an international focus that we were part of at Blacon High School during 2022\23.

    Mr Cairns led a trip to Senigallia in Italy in July 2022, where Blacon High School students represented the UK at the International Youth Games; this is the fifth time that students from Blacon High School have represented the UK at this event. As well as taking part in mixed national teams in a variety of sporting events, they also enjoyed a range of cultural activities.

    Mr Stockdale shared some of the wide range of other activities that the school has either led, joined or hosted, as detailed in the notes on the British Council Award above. Students find out such a lot about themselves on these trips, which offer amazing opportunities in terms of personal growth. Students develop cultural awareness, communication skills, independence, resilience and the power of compromise amongst other things. Perhaps more importantly, they make friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.

    After the presentations, the audience were invited to chat with the students and their families about their experiences and what they had gained from the trips.

    Well done Blacon High School students. You prove consistently that you can represent yourself, and your school, confidently in any forum.

    Here, some of our students and parents are pictured after the event with the Deputy Lord Mayor of Chester – Razia Daniels.

    And finally…

    It is still only January but we are really busy, both in and out of school, as we strive to offer the young people of the Blacon community the best academic experience that we can.

    We are looking forward to welcoming Year 11 parents on Thursday 25th January for the first Progress evening of 2024, and would ask that you complete the online appointment form to avoid queuing.

    As always, we need to thank you for your continued, ongoing support; we really appreciate it.

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  • Winter Water Safety Message

    Published 05/12/23

    RLSS UK offer safety advice for winter water safety, with simple steps to keep safe during the winter: 

    1. Never go onto the ice to play, to retrieve an object, or a pet
    2. Never enter the ice to rescue somebody, call 999 and ask for the Fire and Rescue Service

      What to do if you fall through the ice: 
    • Keep calm and shout for ‘help’
    • Spread your arms across the surface of the ice in front of you
    • If the ice is strong enough, kick your legs to slide onto the ice
    • Lie flat and pull yourself towards the bank
    • If the ice breaks, work your way to the bank-breaking the ice in front of you anyway
    • If you cannot climb out, wait for help and keep as still as possible. Press your arms by your side and keep your legs together. Keep your head clear of the water
    • Once you are safe, go to hospital immediately for a check up

    What to do if you see someone fall through the ice:

    • Shout for assistance and phone the emergency services – call 999 or 112
    • Do not walk or climb onto the ice to attempt a rescue
    • Shout to the casualty to ‘keep still’ and offer reassurance to keep them calm
    • Try and reach them from the bank using a rope, pole, tree branch, clothing tied together or anything else which can extend your reach
    • When reaching from the bank, lie down to avoid being pulled onto the ice
    • If you cannot reach them, slide something which floats, such as a plastic bottle or football, across the ice for them to hold onto to stay afloat whilst help is on the way
    • If the casualty is too far away, do not attempt to rescue them. Wait for the emergency services while calming and reassuring the casualty
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  • Blog NOVEMBER 2023

    Published 05/12/23


    Another busy few weeks with lots of exciting things going on in and around school.

    International Links – Bulgarian Exchange Programme – English Leg



    On Thursday 2nd November, we were delighted to welcome our Bulgarian friends and colleagues as they joined us for the English leg of the Bulgarian exchange programme that we run each year; you will remember that a group of students went to Karlovo in Bulgaria in June of 2023. Our guests joined us for five nights, returning on 7th November after a fantastic, packed itinerary. Not even the dreadful British weather, mostly heavy rain, was able to dampen everyone’s enthusiasm.


    During their stay, students completed the work for this year’s joint project, which was called ‘Overcoming Diversity’; this topic was approached from different angles. The Bulgarian students focused on the response to some serious flooding in their local area that left several villages under water, clearly a response to global warming, while Blacon High School students focused on the huge range of support and additional measures that we have in place in order to overcome barriers to education and support all of our students to succeed.



    After the work was completed, over the next few days we visited Chester, Liverpool and North Wales. A special thank you must go to the Lord Mayor of Chester who hosted our guests at the Town Hall in Chester, where they enjoyed a perfectly pitched presentation, and were able to see all of the civic regalia. Additionally, the Lord Mayor supplied tickets for all of the students and staff to attend the Lord Mayor’s Fireworks Extravaganza at Chester racecourse on the evening of Saturday November 4th.



    The visit culminated in a Leavers’ Dinner in school, when our guests were treated to a very typical dinner of roast beef and Yorkshire puddings, followed by apple crumble and custard.

    As always, there were lots of tears as we said our farewells and we look forward to renewing our relationship, which began in 2016, next year.


    ‘Annie’ Production


    Leaping Lizards! Chester will ‘stick up its chin, and grin, and sing - Tomorrow, Tomorrow!’ when Blacon High School performs Annie JR at the Storyhouse Garret Theatre.

    Based on the popular comic strip and adapted from the Tony Award-winning best musical. ‘Annie Jr’ tells the story of a spunky, depression-era orphan who is determined to find her parents. ‘Annie is a heart-warming show with an important message about the true nature of family. In the show, we see how a plucky little girl transforms her entire life by making the most out of every moment’ say Cohen. MTI would like to applaud the students from Blacon High School for all of their hard work on their production.

    Tickets are on sale now! Please follow the link below or scan the QR code on the attached poster.

    Date: Wednesday 6th December at 5.00pm and 7.00pm.

    Venue: Garret Theatre, The Storyhouse, Chester

    Tickets: £5.00 and £3.00 (concessions)


    International Links – Swedish Drama Students

    We recently welcomed a group of five trainee teachers on an international placement that took place between 6th and 8th November. Kristoffer, Emma, Tjark, Lara and Mimmi made a huge impact on the cultural education of our students with their creative storytelling, their understanding of good teaching practice, and their immeasurable enthusiasm.

    From the moment they arrived in school, every member of the group was impeccably professional and completely absorbed with the project. The students experienced a short tour of the school and engaged in brief lesson observations across a range of subjects, identifying a variety of pedagogical approaches around the school. They also engaged in lesson observations in the Performing Arts Department for both Drama and SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education), engaged in Q&A sessions with Year 7 students about Swedish culture, education and experiences, and designed and delivered engaging and captivating workshop sessions to three groups of students (two Year 8 groups and one in Year 9) with creativity and a high level of acting skills as Teacher-in-Role.

    The workshops were well-paced, with appropriate timescales for students to pause, think and recall information. A range of questioning techniques were used to establish students’ understanding of the task, facilitating opportunities for all students to create, develop and perform their work. Pedagogical practice was carefully considered and applied to ensure an engaging, creative and exciting experience for our students here at Blacon High School. Staff and students found opportunities to meet our guests and engage them in conversation. Our students enjoyed their workshops and are still talking about their experiences.

    It was an absolute pleasure to have hosted Kristoffer, Emma, Tjark, Lara and Mimmi. They asked pertinent and professional questions relating to our curriculum, pastoral care, behaviour policy, SEND provision and teacher responsibilities. I observed, and thoroughly enjoyed, their approach and experiencing their work ethic, which were, in both instances, outstanding. We would like to thank them for their creative contribution to the Performing Arts Department at Blacon High School and wish them all every success in their future careers.

    Special acknowledgement goes to Mrs Salisbury, Head of Performing Arts, for arranging the visit.

    Year 11 Anxiety Management Workshop


    Some of the time, not everything goes to plan and we need a little extra support. We do our best to support all of our students to be successful, whatever their needs.

    As such, we held two sessions by the Mental Health Support Team who ran two, one hour workshops for Year 11 students on the topic of Anxiety.

    The initial drop in was held on 15th November and there was a further workshop on 27th November from 2.10pm – 3.10pm.

    The workshop was an opportunity to learn more about what anxiety is and develop new coping strategies for managing anxiety.


    And finally…

    Please support all of our students but, at this time, Year 11s need to be revising all of the time as they are in the midst of their mock exams. If you would like any tips on how to support your child with revision, please contact the school and we will be only too happy to help.

    As always, we thank all of our parents and carers for their ongoing help and support.

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  • Ofsted inspection 28th / 29th november

    Published 28/11/23

    We are currently being inspected by Ofsted. Please click the links below to view a letter informing parents and carers of our Ofsted Inspection & the second link is to a survey which we would encourage you to complete before 3pm on Tuesday 28th November.

    Letter -

    Survey -

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  • Apprenticeship Accelerator

    Published 24/11/23


    There's still time for your students to register for the Apprenticeship Accelerator! 98% of students who attended last year's event said they would attend in the future:

    “The event really helped me get a grasp on what doing an apprenticeship is like.”  - Previous attendee

    Broadcast live online from 5pm on Thursday 30th November, it's essential viewing for any year 10-13 student who would like to hear from current apprentices and the UK's best apprenticeship employers.

    Please see the attached event guide for further details and how to register.

    Sign up link:,4Y9G,1QDMBE,K2G0,1

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  • Blacon High School supports the mental health of young people with The Wellbeing Hub from teen tips.

    Published 23/11/23

    Blacon high school supports the mental health of young people with the wellbeing hub from teen tips.

    Blacon High School have subscribed, for a year in the first instance, to The Wellbeing Hub. We encourage all of our Parents and Carers to sign up for free to this new website and all our students will also have an account, automatically being registered with their school email. The Wellbeing Hub offers you a wealth of information regarding Mental Health and Wellbeing, including; 

    • Weekly Podcasts and articles
    • Live Q&As
    • Webinars
    • Top Tips
    • The A-Z of Wellbeing
    • Parenting Courses

    Introductory video   -

    1. Parents and Carers will register themselves using a URL link which will be sent to their Edulink app / ParentPay. Please look out for this information.
    2. The link MUST NOT be shared on any social media as this is for Parents/Carers of Blacon High Students only and the capacity is limited to 800 user accounts – please only create one user account per family.
    3. *Please note that the large majority of resources are included in your subscription but there are paid services like personal counselling that aren’t covered. We are NOT promoting these services in any way – we have subscribed you to the content which will be of no cost to you*

    Any requirements to use the further paid services are NOT covered in your Blacon High School subscription.

    Please find below links to The Wellbeing Hub across several Social Media platforms so you can follow them and be aware of the weekly new content.

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  • Blog October 2023

    Published 13/11/23


    Well what a busy few weeks it’s been. It’s hard to find the time to keep up with everything. We are already well into the second half term and, with Christmas looming, we also need to remember that mock exams are also on the horizon.

    Apart from that, there is, as always, a lot to share and celebrate so here goes…


    Remembrance Assembly



    On such an important occasion, Blacon High School joined schools across the nation in paying respect to all those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the fight to ensure freedom and democracy for all of us.

    We held a very moving assembly with readings and poems delivered by members of the Student Leadership Team and members of the Student Parliament. ‘The Last Post’ was played by a representative of the Cheshire Wind Band before the school observed two minutes silence at 11.00am.

    The assembly was live-streamed to all classrooms; a fitting and solemn tribute to all who have served.

    Link to Remembrance Assembly:

    Lest we forget!



    Whole School Celebration Evening – 9th November 2023



    This is always one of the loveliest events in the school calendar and this year was no exception.

    The Hall was filled to the rafters with parents, carers and family members, who were joined by staff, Governors and, our Guest of Honour for the evening, Sheila Little – the Lord Mayor of Chester.

    As always, lots of students across all year groups were rewarded for their efforts during the academic year 2022-23. At Blacon High School, we are acutely aware that success looks very different for some students, so awards also acknowledge effort and contribution in addition to those who achieve the highest grades.

    The event culminates with the main awards of the evening, which are presented to Year 11s whose journey with Blacon High School came to a close when they left us after their GCSEs in July.


    This year’s winners were:

    Outstanding Contribution to School Award – Isobel Giles

    Headteacher’s Award – Josh Graham

    Blacon Spitrit Award – Lillie Shannon

    Governors’ Award – Elsie Byrne

    The Lilian Young Award – Summer Quinn

    Summer is one of several Blacon High School students who have been successful in securing fully-funded bursary places at some of the country’s top independent schools in recent years. Summer, who is now studying for her A’ levels at Gordonstoun, which is one of the most prestigious schools in the world, sent a video message to share on the evening, thanking the school for the award and relating some of her experience at Gordonstoun so far. Well done Summer.



    A huge thanks from us goes to everyone who attended the event and helped to make the evening a real ‘celebration,’ and massive congratulations, of course, goes to all of our prize-winners for the academic year of 2022-23.


    MP Sam Dixon visits Blacon High School – 3rd November 2023

    Sam Dixon MBE is a Labour MP who serves as Member of Parliament for the City of Chester. Before she was an MP, between 2015 and 2019, Sam Dixon was the leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council

    During her visit, Sam met with Harvey Hunt and Annie-Mae Barlow, members of the Student Leadership Team, staff and governors. She was also introduced to staff from our twinned school, the Vasil Levsky High School in Karlovo, Bulgaria, who were here on the English leg of the ever popular student exchange programme that we run from Blacon High School each year.

    After a tour of the school, Sam chatted too Hayden and Billy, two members of our Student Parliament from Year 9, who shared what life at Blacon High School is really like, along with their aspirations for the future.

    On her tour of the school, Sam visited many classrooms across a range of subject areas and was very impressed with the level of learning she witnessed and the calm atmosphere.

    I’m certain that Sam Dixon will be an advocate for our school. We look forward to developing an ongoing relationship with her, and welcoming her back into school in the coming months and years.

    Maths Information Evening



    Head of Maths, Mr Slade, along with the whole Maths team, was delighted with attendance at the Maths Information Evening for Year 11 at the end of October, which was a huge success. There was a great turn out from parents, carers and students. Members of the Maths team delivered a workshop for parents and carers, and offered strategies to support their children to revise effectively at home. Those who joined us on the evening were also able to purchase revision materials. 

    I’m sure that the early start with revision will support some excellent outcomes in the GCSEs.

    Mr Slade forgot to take any photos of the event so offered one of himself instead; I’ll leave it to you to judge J

    Army Engagement Team Visit

    Here are some images from the day the Army Engagement Team visited our CCF (Combined Cadet Force) at Blacon High School earlier in the term. They brought a range of their equipment on to the school site for cadets to get their hands on. They also gave a talk about the pros and cons of opting for a career in the military.


    Well done and congratulations to all those who take part in our fantastic CCF; being a cadet offers amazing opportunities throughout the year.

    If anyone is interested in joining the Combined Cadet Force at Blacon High School, please contact Mr Jones via the school admin’ office.


    And finally…

    This is, as always, only a small snapshot of the huge list of events, trips and reasons for celebration that we enjoy as part of the Blacon High School community.

    This week saw the return leg of the student exchange programme when our friends and colleagues from the Vasil Levsky High School in Karlovo joined us for a fun-packed, six-day itinerary. Also, we hosted a Swedish drama group who worked closely with students in their Drama lessons. I will share details and photos of both in our next blog.

    Take care and have a restful weekend.

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  • Remembrance Day 2023

    Published 10/11/23

    We come together on this day, 11th November, each year, to remember all those who served their country in wars both past and present. 

    We remember all those who gave their lives in World Wars I and II, those who made the ultimate sacrifice to allow us the freedoms we enjoy today. We remember those who have served in more recent conflicts such as those in Iraq and Afghanistan, and those in the currents conflict in Ukraine and Gaza, along with all those who have been affected by war.  

    We take time today out of our busy lives to mark this day, when at 11.00am on the 11th November, 1918, 105 years ago, the guns fell silent on the Western Front after four years of continuous warfare. We called the First World War, the Great War, the war to end all wars. Unfortunately, history tells us that the lessons of the First World War have not been learned.

    Today, we remember all those who continue to give their lives in the fight for freedom and democracy, and we will do the same each year, joining millions of people around the world, to remember.

    Link to Remembrance Assembly:

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  • Bus Services

    Published 20/10/23

    We have been informed that Arriva have suspended all bus services due to the weather.

    The bus to Saughall – 15A will now only go as far as Mayfield Road.

    Please can we ask parents and carers to make other arrangements to get children home safely.

    We have sent a message to students telling them to go to the hall if they are affected by this and are unsure of how to get home. Please contact the school reception if you have any queries.  Reception will remain open later tonight until 4pm.

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  • Blog September 2023

    Published 13/10/23

    Dear All,

    Welcome to a, somewhat delayed, blog; where on earth does the time go? There are so many fantastic things to celebrate so I will do my best to give you a flavour of some of the amazing activities and event that have been a feature of the first half term.




    Of course, we are delighted to have welcomed approximately 150 new Year 7s into school in September and are pleased to see, on a daily basis, just how well they are settling in and embracing the transition into secondary school.

    Already, we can see how established friendship groups continue to develop and grow alongside new relationships, as students find themselves moving around the school and mixing with a significantly larger groups of their peers.

    The Year 7 Progress Leader, Mrs Richards, said: I am delighted to be the Progress Leader for Year 7 and I am so happy to be one of an extended team of pastoral staff who will help to guide these young people through their journey at Blacon High School. They are already illustrating the values that we promote here as we aim to prepare every student for success.

    In addition to our new students, I’m sure you would all like to extend a typical, ‘Blacon High School’ welcome to those who have joined our dedicated team of staff, all of whom are working hard to develop the positive relationships in and around school that contribute so much to student success.


    Student Leadership Team

    Welcome to our Student Leadership Team for 2023/24.

    Firstly, thank you to all of you for applying to join the Student Leadership Team and for being willing to be ambassadors for the school and a voice for the student community.

    Our Head Students Charlie and Honey, Deputy Head Students Harvey and Annie Mae, along with the rest of the fantastic team of Year 11 students, have already contributed to several key initiatives and will continue to represent the school at various events during the year, as well as continue to be the most fantastic role-models for students lower down the school.

    Their next job is to oversee the elections for the Student Parliament, which is filled with representatives from Years 7 to 10. I hope that I will be able to share names of our Student Parliament Representatives next week.


    Open Evening

    On September 13th, we were delighted to welcome so many prospective new students who are hoping to join our school community in September 2024.

    We really appreciate the ongoing commitment of our staff, along with the huge number of students who give their time freely, so that we can offer you a real flavour of what your children can expect when they become a student here. As you will know, Blacon High School has been over-subscribed for the last five years so it is important that you make a conscious choice in order to secure a place for your child next year.

    Thank you also to all prospective parents and carers who attended the Open Evening and for the overwhelmingly positive feedback you left us. We promote open dialogue between the school and parents, we value your contributions, and we always respond to feedback.

    All the students who took part in the Open Evening were acknowledged by the headteacher, and were invited to a small ‘thank you’ event as a token of our appreciation (pictured above).

    British Council International School Award


    Did you know that we have students representing over twenty global cultures in our school community? This is fantastic and something we celebrate. And, as a result of our consistent focus on exploring and expanding our international portfolio, I am very pleased to share that Blacon High School was awarded the British Council International Award – intermediate Level; this is an amazing achievement.

    During 2022-23, the school had an enormous range of activities that focused our students on celebrating the richness and vibrancy of every culture. For example, our languages team hosted theatre groups who shared drama performances that were delivered entirely in French and Spanish, the two languages that we teach here.

    The long-standing relationship with our twinned school in Bulgaria continues to grow. In June, a group of Year 10s were able to take part in a student exchange programme with our friends in Karlovo, Bulgaria. This is the fourth time that we have been able to offer this opportunity. The students who took part have come back with the most amazing memories and they developed friendships that will last lifetime. We are very much looking forward to the English leg of the exchange, which is happening at the beginning of November.

    Meanwhile, the PE Department took a groups of our young sports people to the International Youth Games in Sens, France. Blacon High School has represented the UK at this event on a number of occasions and, this year, were overall winners. What a fantastic experience for all of those who were involved and, a massive ‘well done’ on your amazing achievement.

    Our third trip was to Barcelona, Spain. This visit offered students a superb to practice and develop their language skills, and also immerse themselves in Spanish culture.

    In addition to this, during the year Blacon High School hosted three groups of students from Italy and Spain. Each of these groups of international guests stayed with us for approximately three weeks and every individual was supported by one of our student ‘buddies’. This was a valuable opportunity for our students to develop new relationships, gain confidence and learn about another culture.

    Whilst we are obviously delighted to be awarded with the British Council International Award - Intermediate Level, this year, we are hoping to achieve ‘Accreditation Level’, which illustrates that we have established a programme of activities around international education and embedded learning across the school. Watch this space!!!


    European Day of Languages 2023

    European Day of Languages 2023 was on 26th September and, to celebrate, there were a range of activities in school. However, I think the most popular was the food that Kelly and the catering team prepared for lunch.

    The menu for the day included:

    Germany – Bradwurst sausage with sauerkraut in a sourdough roll

    Italy – Italian meatballs in tomato sauce with shavings of mozzarella and focaccia bread

    A vegetarian option was offered as a substitute for both of the above.


    Both dishes were received with ‘gusto’ by our students and we are looking at possible menus to offer at international themed days each half term.

    In addition, we also offered a variety of our ever-popular pasta dishes that we serve out of the Pod on a daily basis.


    ‘Aye Aye Captain!’


    Miss Beyer enjoyed a splashing (sorry I couldn’t resist that), a smashing time on the canal with a group of lucky Year 7 and 8 students. She said: ‘What a brilliant morning on a canal longboat! These lovely students from Year 7 and 8 were great company and an absolute pleasure to take on a trip.




    And finally…

    As we move through an exciting, eventful and ever-busy half term, we celebrate every success, great or small as we fully understand that ‘success’ looks different for everyone; we believe that ‘everyone’ can achieve.

    We wish you a restful weekend and look forward to welcoming you into school for a range of events in the coming weeks

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